Need Local Counsel in Nevada? Give us a call.
Craig K. Perry
& Associates
This website provides a brief overiew of the areas of law that we offer to the general public. To summarize, we handle the following types of cases:
Personal Injury (including motor vehicle, wrongful death, serious impairment, medical malpractice, etc.);
Violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA);
Violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA);
Violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA);
Nurses before the Nevada State Board of Nursing (go offsite to this website, lvnurseattorney.com); and
Class action litigation (in state and out of state, in conjunction with other attorneys)
This resource page provides important links to information that will help you better understand and prove the negligence or violations that have occurred.
This resource page is intended to provide consumers with the information necessary to "drill down" further with regard to various violations. In some cases, we provide sample forms and information to help you document and stop the violations from occurring. Without adequate proof, the violatons cannot be established in court.
Click on the button to the left to access the resources currently available to consumers. Check back often; these resources will be routinely updated and expanded.