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Craig K. Perry
& Associates

Intro to Debt Defense
A quick overview of consumer debt defense and what you are going to learn.
Pre-Litigation Strategies
A survey of all of the issues that you should consider in deciding whether you have defenses to a potential credit card lawsuit againt you.
Litigation Strategies
If you have already been sued, there are still several strategies that you can consider:
Time-barred debt
Proper service and notice
Admissible evidence
Post-Litigation Strategies
Some people are unaware that a lawsuit was ever filed against. There was a default judgment entered against them. To combat these judgments, you can use some of the same defenses retroactively you would use in litigation.
Additional Rights and Strategies
Even if you are legally obligated to repay a debt, those who are seeking to collect the debt and report the debt are required to follow strict guidelines. Find out about state and federal laws that protect you throught the debt collection process, before, during and after the process.